Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who to make your penis bigger. Can You Grow Your Penis Up to 8 Inches Using a Product That Costs Under $10

Who to make your penis bigger

Who to make your penis bigger

This article is aimed for anyone who is curious to know the solid facts behind claims that horny goat weed can be used as a penis enlargement method. Easily available to buy online, in the mall or even down the high street, horny goat weed isn't a new product to hit our shelves. It's been around for a long, long time. But it's only recently that it's been claimed that a regular intake of horny goat weed can lead to increases in penis size.

Is there any truth behind this? Read on to find out more.

First of all let's have a look at the properties of horny goat weed. It's a plant from the epimedium family, originally found in china, it was noticed to have qualities of an aphrodisiac after a shepherds flock of goats became sexually active after consuming the weed - hence the nickname horny goat weed. It's sold today in herbal shops as a sexual booster, that helps improves libido and male erections. There is no question of it's scientific legitimacy as an aphrodisiac, as one of its most active ingredients is Icariin, which is known to relax smooth muscle. However claims of being able to physically increase the size of the penis using horny goat weed are sadly incorrect and lack very little substance. The theory behind them is that when the smooth muscle relaxes, the blood vessels in the penis widen and incorporate more blood, thus making the penis bigger. However, the blood vessels widen each time a male has an erection, this doesn't mean the penis gets bigger after each erection.

In order to increase the size of the vessels permanently, they need something within the blood to force the vessels to remain increased. So what can create this kinda of environment? Well your body should know, as every male who went through puberty had it in their blood. These are hormones and biochemicals, rich in the blood, that cause the penis to expand permanently. This isn't something that I need to get into detail about as I don't need to tell you that your penis grows during puberty. The important question is 'how can you make your blood rich with these nutrients again, so your penis can grow again?'.

It's a question that has remained unanswered for years, until recently a system was developed that manipulated the main component of puberty that scientists have failed to develop successfully for years - penis growth. It's been developed so that zero side effects are experienced, i.e. none of the nasty stuff of puberty, like acne and high testosterone. It's been so successful that 13 out of 15 testers penises grew to 8 inches and over after 3 months. With results like that, it's been difficult to keep the system under the radar. Keep your eyes open, as this could be a revolutionary development.

Who to make your penis bigger

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