Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pines enlarger. Bigger Penis From the Milking Exercise

Pines enlarger

Pines enlarger

You may have heard that certain exercises have been shown to increase penis size. Let's look at the most effective exercise being talked about for getting a bigger penis. It's called milking. Here's what it's all about and why it works.

Milking Exercise - How to do:

This is an exercise performed on the penis using your hands. The exercise gets it's name, "milking", from the similarity that it has to milking cows. The motion is very similar, a repeated massaging like motion, alternating one hand after the other. You have to have your penis in a semi-erect state for it to work properly, and the continued massages must be repeated for several minutes, though there are routines out there that only require around 6 minutes a day total for the milking exercise.

Milking Exercise - How it works:

Basically, the short of it is that you are creating increased blood flow in your penis and by keeping this constant, and performing this exercise daily, then overtime the tissues expand, thus creating more penis length, and more girth (width) as well.

Now this particular exercise has been around for a long while. Tribes used to have the younger men perform this on themselves as part of ritual to create a bigger penis. But the exercise is effective for both young and old.

What kind of results?

The big question, what kind of results can you get from milking? Well, the answer varies because it has to do with how consistent you are with doing the exercises, and how long you do them (for instance 3 weeks versus 3 months). If you stick with the exercises over a longer period of time, then you will make greater gains. But even shorter periods of time can still get you bigger penis gains that you very well may be satisfied with.

Pines enlarger

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